Introductory studio work in principles and techniques of Contact Improvisation. "CI" is an open-ended dance form for two or more people exploring spontaneous physical interaction in the present moment. This unique dance class is instructed through guided parameters and free-form movement play between partners to develop improved movement coordination, balance and creativity. Invented in the early 1970's, CI is practiced all over the world for its fun, accessibility, artistic beauty, physical challenge, and for making connections with other people. Recently CI is also recognized for its positive and therapeutic effects on personal well-being through shared exercise, stress relief, and cultivation of mindful presence. A core value of CI's inclusivity, the practice is open to all people and levels of dance training from beginning to advanced; no prior experience required. May be repeated one time. This course is recommended as Pass/Fail. Students pursuing the Certificate in Somatic Studies must enroll for a letter grade.
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