Independent Choreography Project III

DANCE 5113

This course is designed to assist the MFA students in the development of their craft as choreographers prior to committing to their final projects. The point of entry for each student may depend on his or her previous study of composition or experience within the profession. Each student composes a study or work-in-progress, a dance or dances which culminates in a public showing or concert of the work, on or off-campus, or with WashU Dance Collective, the resident company directed by Cecil Slaughter. The ongoing work is to be shown 3-4 times a semester to the instructor of record and/or adviser, and any other Performing Arts Department faculty and/or Antonio Douthit-Boyd or Kirven Douthit-Boyd of the Center of Contemporary Arts (COCA) that the student wishes to invite for the viewing and response session.
Course Attributes:

Section 01

Independent Choreography Project III
View Course Listing - FL2023
View Course Listing - FL2024