Dance Improvisation: Spontaneous Composition & Performance Techniques

DANCE 3101

Dance improvisation is a cumulative, integrative practice, applying every skill the performer can bring to the spontaneous present in which creative process and performance is simultaneously one and the same. In this course, students learn and create processes for improvising dance/performance art, with an aim toward developing integrated skill in: dance technique, intuitive movement invention, partnered dancing, collaborative process, performance presence/expressivity, and compositional form. Applications include improvising compositions for theatrical stage, site-specific venues and for camera-based artistic mediums. Meets requirement for dance major. Prerequisite: students must be qualified at 300 level in any genre of dance technique, or obtain special permission of instructor. This course is optimal for students who have previously taken Dance Composition (L29 203/208/303/309), and/or Contact Improvisation (U31 212), though they are not prerequisites. May be repeated once for credit.
Course Attributes: EN H; AS HUM

Section 01

Dance Improvisation: Spontaneous Composition & Performance Techniques
View Course Listing - FL2024