an outdoor space on campus

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Mission Statement:

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Working Group is committed to creating policies and procedures that foster a welcoming environment in which all voices are heard and respected. Through ongoing training and outreach to students, staff, and faculty, we aim to maintain a dialogue focused on issues of social justice, address issues of concern, and encourage new ideas to improve our inclusiveness, diversity and equitable treatment of all members of our community.


Bias Reporting Procedure

Given the sensitive nature of issues surrounding bias reporting, we want students to have a choice in whom they confide. Below you will find suggested pathways of communication to follow for reporting any problem or concern

learn about our bias reporting procedures

Group Membership

Student Representatives are, Eli Bradley, Amarnath Ghosh and Chloe Kilpatrick.

Resources for university anti-discrimination and anti-bias policies

Contact Us

Have questions?  

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